Rebul Kozmetik San ve Tic AS | Beauty Africa Directory

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Rebul Kozmetik San ve Tic AS
Istanbul , Turkey
Since 1895 fragrance has a trademark ... Rebul Cosmetics continues its operations as a trademark owning the tradition of a century and steadily renewing itself. Embodying trademarks of Rebui,Colors, Angie, Angie Hot, Rbl, Lady Royal, King Royal and Ranger, Rebul Cosmetics is still one of the leading enterpries in cosmetics in Turkey with cologne, fragrance, deodorant, roll-on, SPA and after shave products, with an experience of more than 120 years attracting the attention of many international brands, Rebul designs private label products for world wide known grand ateliers and big chain stores. Since 1895 creating a history and its own legend, Rebul kepps on enriching and leading this heritage with its products, quality and enviromental awareness. Rebul. fragrance connoisseur of Turkey, will be with you in your happiest and unforgettable moments over a century with a passion for generations and a story of love built on tradition. From past to present day and to future, Rebul.
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