lndustrias Oriol1942 S.L. (Eurostil) | Beauty Africa Directory

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lndustrias Oriol1942 S.L. (Eurostil)
Barcelona , Spain
Established in Barcelona in 1942 and becoming one of the most recognized actors in the industry, lndustrias Oriel keeps manufacturing and distributing worldwidehundreds of creations that require hair and beauty professionals. Our company has several departments to develop products such as plastic injection, rubber and silicone injection, metal stamping, all kind of brushes, paper handling and non-woven, labeling sections, handling and packaging as well as a design and research department. We export to the five continents and have recently opened a subsidiary in Argentina. All this effort has been crowned by a rapid growth that has led us to expand our facilities. Currently, we have a modern factory, a large warehouse and offices covering a total area of 8.000 m2. lndustrias Oriol works to provide quality for all the professionals in the sector and our more than 70 years experience guarantees the best products and the best
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