SSIZ International Trading LLC | Beauty Africa Directory

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SSIZ International Trading LLC
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
SSIZ International caters to the fast growing salon professionals market in India. With a vision to be one of the leading manufacturers of salon products globally, the company has built popular brands like Biosoft (Liposoluble Wax). Up To Toe (Mani Pedi Tools), Berry's (Spa Products), Pro Arte (Makeup tools) arid lkonic Professional (Hairstyling tools & accessories). With a nationwide distribution network and supported cutting-edge technology in logistics & distribution the company promises to deliver the best service to its large customer base. By continuously expanding lkonic's product portfolio the company is striving to make it a leading player in the market segment The brand reaches out to numerous salon professionals through its various marketing efforts, workshops, and events. In accordance with its vision to 'go global' SSIZ International has set its branch in Dubai and started marketing and sales for the brand lkonic to cater to the Global Markets
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Al Kamal Kemo
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