Tabia Cosmetique | Beauty Africa Directory

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Tabia Cosmetique
Geneve , Swaziland
TABlA Cosmetics is a cosmetics and natural products distribution company regist e red in the canton of Geneva in Switzerl and for its TAB lA name,NATURE meaning in Arabic, our company draws its philosophy . Seeking to preserve the health and well-being of human betngs, our company has set i tself the aim to offer natural products of high quality at affordable price. Our motto: Being in harmony with nature and human beings. Developed s ince 2012 Tabia Cosmetics is a brand of natural cosme tics based creative modern bio for professionals. We focus e xclus i v el y institutes and beauty spa, drugstores, beauty centers, pharmacies. We offer a complete range of treatments for face, body, hair . They are made from high quality original and unique formulas. Each line represents a custom solution to the needs of every skin type . We distribute essentia l oils beauty, b l ack soaps, bath salts, ghassoul, shampoos and shower gels .
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Al Kamal Kemo
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